Jun 24
Bid ended

2021-004 Diamondhead City Hall Parking Lot #9892

Diamondhead, MS (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 6/17/21 10:00am
Bid Date 6/24/21 10:00am

Company & Contacts

City of Diamondhead
Jeannie Klein  

Your firm is invited to submit an offer under seal to City of Diamondhead for construction of a New City Hall Parking Lot located at:
City of Diamondhead City Hall 5000 Diamondhead Circle Diamondhead, Mississippi39525
Before 10:00 am local standard time on the 24 day of June, 2021, for:

Project Name: City of Diamondhead City Hall Parking Lot – RFP 2021-004

Project Number: 0275.20.003

Project Description: This project consists of the construction of a new asphalt parking lot and associated ammentities as described in the Construction Documents and Specifications.

Plans and specifications are being made available via hard copy or digital download. Plan Holders are required to log-in or register for an account to view or order bid documents at www.diamondheadbids.com. Bid documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website.

Questions regarding website registration and online orders, please contact Plan House Printing at (228)248-0181. No partial sets of drawings of project manuals will be issued. No contract documents (hard copies or electronic copies) will be issued to Contractors within twenty-four (24) hours of the time indicated above for receiving bids.

Bidders will be required to provide Bid security in the form of a Bid Bond of a sum no less than 5 percent of the Bid Amount or a certified check for a sum no less than 5 percent of the Bid Amount.

Refer to other bidding requirements described in Document 002113 – Instructions to Bidders and Document 003100 – Available Project Information.

Submit your offer on the Bid Form provided. Bidders may supplement this form as appropriate.

If Bids are mailed or hand delivered, then they must be contained in a sealed envelope marked on the outside with the project name. They must be on file as received or delivered by the time stated above to the address of the Owner stated above. Do not deliver Bids to the project address or the Architect’s address.

Bids must be submitted upon the standard forms contained within the contract documents furnished by the Engineer for the City of Diamondhead, Mississippi, noted in the Instructions to

Bidders. Bids submitted shall be in letter form in a sealed envelope and outside of envelope shall be marked plainly City of Diamondhead Parking Lot-RFP 2021-004 and shall be addressed to Jeannie Klein, City Clerk, City of Diamondhead at 5000 Diamondhead Circle, Diamondhead, Mississippi 39525 or for those interested, bids can be electronically submitted at www.diamondheadbids.com under the project page. No oral, telegraphic, telephonic, or e-mail proposals will be considered. Each bidder shall write his Name, his Address, and his Certificate of Responsibility number/or a statement that the bid enclosed does not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) on the outside of the sealed envelope containing his proposal. If submitting electronically, please include this information on a cover page with your bid submission. All interpretations of drawings and specifications shall be directed in writing to Gerrod Kilpatrick at gkilpatrick@mpeng.us. An acknowledged received copy of all Addenda issued by the Engineer via Plan House must be included with the bid proposal.

Bids in excess of $50,000.00 must be marked on the outside of the envelope with the contractor’s Mississippi certificate of responsibility number as issued by the Mississippi Board of Contractors.

Per the Mississippi Law, MS Code 31-3-21 (3); any bid submitted by a non-resident contractor which does not include the non-resident contractor’s current state law pertaining to such state’s treatment of non-resident contractors, shall be rejected and not considered for award. If no such law exists in the non-resident contractor’s state, then the non-resident contractor may provide statement to that effect.

Your offer will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 60 days after submission.

The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers.